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SUSTAINABILITY: The capacity to endure. The long term ability of human, animal, and plant life to live co-operatively and peacefully with the water, air, and earth, so that the natural systems are maintained.

The question always is : How is what we are doing affect the seventh generation after us?

Question: Inspired by the “eat local”, Transition Towns, and Fibershed movements, we ask: How can we live lightly on the earth and still feed, clothe, produce what we need, and entertain ourselves?

This website hopes to provide resources that are within 150 miles that allow us to eat, clothe ourselves, produce what we need and entertain Ourselves locally.

OUR PLEDGE: We pledge allegiance to the Earth and all Life which it supports. One planet in our care, irreplaceable, with sustenance and respect for all.

If anyone knows of any resource that needs to be on this list, Please email us at:
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